Motorola Moto E13

Motorola Moto E13

Android 13 (Go edition)

Turn app permissions on your Motorola Moto E13 Android 13 (Go edition) on or off

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You can allow apps on your phone access to various data and functions on your phone, e.g. camera, calendar, GPS position or contacts in the address book. You can also change permissions for an app or only allow an app to use the required data and functions.

Step 1 of 7

1. Find "Permission manager"

Slide two fingers downwards starting from the top of the screen.

Step 2 of 7

1. Find "Permission manager"

Press the settings icon.

Step 3 of 7

1. Find "Permission manager"

Press Permission manager.

Step 4 of 7

2. Turn app permissions on or off

Press the required category.

Step 5 of 7

2. Turn app permissions on or off

Press the required app.

Step 6 of 7

2. Turn app permissions on or off

Press the required setting.

Please note that if you turn off permissions for an app, the app may not work as intended.
Step 7 of 7

3. Return to the home screen

Press the Home key to return to the home screen.

1. Find "Permission manager"

Slide two fingers downwards starting from the top of the screen.
Press the settings icon.
Press Permission manager.

2. Turn app permissions on or off

Press the required category.
Press the required app.
Press the required setting.
Please note that if you turn off permissions for an app, the app may not work as intended.

3. Return to the home screen

Press the Home key to return to the home screen.

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