OPPO Watch
Android Wear OS
1. Open Workouts
Press the Home key.

Press the Workouts icon.

2. Start an activity
Press the required training activity.

Press Set goal and follow the instructions on the screen to set the required goal.

Press Start.

3. Stop activity
Slide your finger right on the screen.

Press Pause to pause activity.

Press and hold Hold to end to end activity.

Press OK.

Press the Home key to return to the home screen.

4. Use pedometer
Press the Home key.

Press the Daily Activity icon.

Slide your finger upwards on the screen.

The number of steps for the day is displayed below Steps.

Press the Home key to return to the home screen.

5. Measure your heart rate
Press the Home key.

Press the heart rate sensor icon and wait while your smartwatch measures your heart rate.
Make sure that the sensors on your smartwatch are in contact with your wrist. The sensors are located on the back of your smartwatch.

Slide your finger upwards on the screen to see an overview of your heart rate measurements.

6. Return to the home screen
Press the Home key to return to the home screen.