Vodafone R219
Windows 10
1. Home
In Home you can see the status of the internet connection.
See how to view internet connection information.
2. Mobile Network
In Mobile Network you can select settings for your network connection, set up your router for internet and more.
See how to turn data roaming on or off and set up your router for internet.
3. Wi-Fi Basic Settings
In Wi-Fi Basic Settings you can change the name and password for your Wi-Fi hotspot.
See how to change name and password for your Wi-Fi hotspot.
4. Devices
In Devices you can see a list of devices connected to your router.
5. Tools
In Tools you can send and read text messages and more.
See how to write and send a text message.
6. Advanced
In Advanced you can change various security settings such as turning use of PIN on or off and restoring the factory default settings.
See how to turn use of PIN on or off and restore the factory default settings.
In USSD you can view information about your account.